Recent Releases!
The Truth for Today
Commentary Series

A complete exegesis and application of the Old and New Testament Scriptures by faithful scholars of the churches of Christ.
Scholars within the churches of Christ are producing a complete book-by-book commentary on the entire Bible. Each volume
in this historic work provides remarks on the verses of the text covered, and chapters end with application sections which
offer suggestions for developing sermons and Bible classes.
New Commentary
Proverbs 16—31 by
Denny Petrillo, Ph.D. is now available!
You can now
pay your invoice online!
March Sale!
During the month of March,
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus by
David Roper, M.S. and
Colossians and Philemon by
Owen Olbricht, M.A., M.R.E.
Bruce McLarty, D.Min.
are on sale as a set for $50!
Call us at 501-268-7588 to take advantage of this special deal.
Gift certificates are also available. Call us at 501-268-7588 to take advantage of these deals. You can also email us at
We offer a
year's subscription to Truth for Today's monthly magazine issue for $27.00.