Bruce McLarty

Bruce McLarty, former president of Harding University, is the Freed-Hardeman University minister-in-residence. He graduated from Harding University with a B.A. in Bible and from Harding University Graduate School of Religion with the M.Th. degree. He was awarded the D.Min. degree from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio. In 1999, he was named Harding's "Outstanding Alumnus" in Bible. McLarty brings a wealth of ministry experience to this series. He has preached for churches in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. For two years, he and his family were missionaries in Meru, Kenya. From 1991 to 2005, he served as pulpit minister for the College church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas. He and his wife, Ann, have two daughters, Charity and Jessica.


Colossians Owen Olbricht, M.A., M.R.E.
Philemon Bruce McLarty, D.Min.
(Both Commentaries in one volume!) The eternal truths and lessons in Colossians helped to shape the church in the first century. Paul taught Christians how to maintain a godly lifestyle and exalt Christ in a diverse society. The Book of Philemon, written about the same time, provides guidelines for Christian relationships. (576 pages)