Coy D. Roper
Dr. Coy D. Roper, born in Dill City, Oklahoma, has served as a preacher, teacher, and writer throughout
his life-long ministry. After graduating with a B.S. degree in Bible from Abilene Christian University
(1958), he earned the M.T. in secondary education at Northeastern State University (1966). Roper then
completed the M.S. in Bible and missions from Abilene Christian University (1977), and he finished his
Ph.D. from the University of Michigan's Department of Near Eastern Studies with an Old Testament
concentration (1988). Roper earned the M.A. from Heritage Christian University with an emphasis in Greek
(2007). Roper began preaching in 1955 for the church in Charlie, Texas. Since that time, he has preached
in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Michigan, Canada, and Australia. In addition, he has taught at Western Christian
College, Macquarie School of Preaching (North Ryde, Australia), Michigan Christian College, Lipscomb
University, and Heritage Christian University. From 2000 to 2005, Roper served as the director of
graduate studies at Heritage Christian. Coy and his late wife, Sharlotte, have three children and ten grandchildren.
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
The compelling story of how God delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage and gave them hope. This study of the journey of God's Old Testament people highlights God's power, law, and desire to dwell among His worshipers. (710 pages) |
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
In the Book of Leviticus, God established the priesthood and ordained the various sacrifices to be offered at the tabernacle.
While Christians are not under the Law, we are called to be God's holy people today. The sacrificial system of the old covenant foreshadowed the giving of God's perfect Lamb,
His Son Jesus Christ. In response to His sacrifice in our behalf, we are to live in faithful obedience to His new covenant. (588 pages) |
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
Intriguing narratives in the Book of Numbers feature a greedy prophet, a talking donkey, fiery serpents, and rebels who were swallowed by the earth. Coy Roper shows how the numbers in Numbers reflect the nature of God, who guided His people through the wilderness and allowed their children to take possession of the Promised Land. (572 pages) |
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
Without Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, we would know little about what was happening with God's people during the time of the Persian Empire. These three great books of biblical history
emphasize the sovereignty of God, the importance of being faithful to His Word, and the value of godly leadership. Coy Roper's comments about the exiles' rebuilding of Jerusalem, their
rededication to the Law, and the story of Esther's courage call us to dedicated service to our faithful God. (610 pages)
The Minor Prophets, 1: Hosea, Joel, and Amos
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
The Minor Prophets, often overlooked by Bible students, contain God's timeless messages of love,
forgiveness, and justice not only for His people, but to other nations as well. Hosea and Amos
prophesied during the eighth century B.C., pleading with the northern kingdom to return to the
God who loved them and warning them of the judgment that would come if they did not repent. Joel,
addressing the southern kingdom, depicted punishment for sin as a locust plague and spoke of a
future time when God's spirit would be poured out upon His people. (460 pages)
The Minor Prophets, 2: Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
The small books of the Minor Prophets contain big lessons for God's people. The various prophets
covered in this volume were called to deliver messages concerning Israel, Judah, and several
foreign nations. While the details and the results differed, each pre-exilic prophet preached the
same basic warning from God: "Repent or perish!" (476 pages)
The Minor Prophets, 3: Zechariah and Malachi; The Intertestamental Period
Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
This final volume on the Minor Prophets features Zechariah and Malachi, in which the prophets
admonished the Jews after their return from Babylon. In addition to verse-by-verse coverage of
these post-exilic prophets, Coy Roper has provided a thorough study on the period between the
Testaments. (542 pages)