Harold Shank

Harold Shank began preaching at age sixteen and has served churches in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Tennessee. He has done short-term mission work in Belize and Ukraine. For a period of time, he taught at Harding School of Theology, South Pacific Bible College, and Oklahoma Christian. He also worked as a college president. He serves as the national spokesperson for Network 1:27, which is composed of sixty child-care agencies associated with churches of Christ. He has published eight books and has written for Truth for Today since 2014. Harold and his wife Sally are both members of the Memorial Road church of Christ in Edmond, Oklahoma. They have two married sons.


Judges and Ruth Harold Shank
Judges and Ruth Cover The Book of Judges highlights the Israelites' downward spiral of moral decay and their repeated deliverance by God. The Book of Ruth is an account of lives obedient to the Lord and of God's providing for His people. While Judges displays the disastrous results of disobeying God and shows the powerful negative influence of pagan culture on the faith of God's people, Ruth tells the story of a non-Israelite brought to faithfulness to the one God and blessed as a result. These two books offer inspiring messages and demonstrate how the Lord can work in remarkable ways, challenging us to repent of our wrongs and to pursue paths of righteousness. (656 pages)